Availability & Booking

In the period from 23.05.2025 up to and including 25.05.2025 we are on vacation.
We do not accept any reservations for this period.
Our dear neighbor with the campsite in Rüdesheim is open. They are looking forward to your reservation request.

Please note that grilling on our campsite is only allowed with gas or electric grills.

"*" indicates required fields

By sending us the form down below, you can enquire availability or book a pitch. We will answer your message as soon as possible.

If you have difficulties filling in the form, do not hesitate to contact us:
Telephone: +49 (0)6722 / 75 600

Contact details


Arrival & Departure

DD dot MM dot YYYY
DD dot MM dot YYYY
Please note, that a journey is possible only from 11:30 o'clock.
The departure should also occur till 11:30 o'clock on the departure day.

Booking information


Special comments on the request:

Reservations are made by us free of charge.
For this we do not charge you a deposit. If you do not perceive your reservation, we ask for the sake of fairness for a short cancellation.

Availability & Booking

"*" indicates required fields

By sending us the form down below, you can enquire availability or book a pitch. We will answer your message as soon as possible.

If you have difficulties filling in the form, do not hesitate to contact us:
Telephone: +49 (0)6722 / 75 600

Contact details


Arrival & Departure

DD dot MM dot YYYY
DD dot MM dot YYYY
Please note, that a journey is possible only from 11:30 o'clock.
The departure should also occur till 11:30 o'clock on the departure day.

Booking information


Special comments on the request:

Reservations are made by us free of charge.
For this we do not charge you a deposit. If you do not perceive your reservation, we ask for the sake of fairness for a short cancellation.